Friday, February 19, 2010


Hey, sorry I haven't written in so long. I think about it, and then if I don't write it down, I don't seem to remember. You should see the amount of post-it notes I put in recycling per week. Thank goodness some things are somewhat involuntary, for example, wiping, breathing, sleeping and eating, otherwise I would be a shitty, breathless, insomniatic anorexic. I have been watching the Olympic games in Vancouver the past week. I was in high school and lived 9 miles from Lake Placid in 1980. The thrill of it all comes back to me every four years regardless of what region of the world the Olympics are taking place. I admire the athletes,resent Bob Costas, and like all competitions, admire those who give it their all regardless of the outcome. I was that athlete in some respects, but in others I put myself ahead of my team. In hindsight I see how I put my aspirations first. An Alex Rodriguez without the talent. I would play so hard expecting to win and when we didn't I became resentful and not communicate. I never learned how to. I was extremely immature and when I watch some of these sports I can see myself in so many others. The irony is that I have all that knowledge and now my body can't produce the kind of athletisism I once had. A real winner is someone who has both the humility to know that you can't always win and that if you give it everything you have, that is good enough.

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